Thursday, September 5, 2013

Are We Prepared For Harvest?...Oscar Miriu

The size of your harvest depends on how many leaders you have.

--Oscar Miriu, Senior Pastor, Narobi Chapel, Kenya

Have Far Have We Really Come? | 50th Anniversary of the March On Washington

We have come a great distance in this country in the 50 years, but we still have a great distance to go before we fulfill the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.

--Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), August 28, 2013

The problems that plague our communities are complex and we need everyone working to solve these problems. We cannot delegate this task to just those currently in leadership. If we want to reap a large harvest, we must have a large cadre of prepared and capable leaders. Leaders think critically, they lead by their actions, and they improve their lives and the lives of the people around them. We must also aspire to be good leaders and train our children to be leaders and not just followers.

Fifty years from now, our society will reflect the work and investment of today’s generation. Our current leaders and the leaders that we prepare will determine the size and value of our harvest.

Check Out Leadership Tuesdays!

LeadershipTuesdays is a portal on that was created to provide a platform for a variety of voices and resources to develop, encourage, and strengthen women leaders. As you endeavor to increase your ability to lead, I encourage you to check out the website and its offerings.

To read the entire blog, click here.

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